SDL with C – Knox Game Design, December 2019

This month’s topic is SDL with C.  Before Unity and GameMaker, there was the Simple Direct Media Layer.  It can be used to create 2D and 3D games on a wide variety of platforms.  C is still one of the most widely used programming languages.  We will discuss how to get a simple game running in C using the SDL libraries.

This presentation covers the basics of the C programming language, how to compile a simple program with GCC, and an overview of data structures and pointers.  We show how to create an SDL shooter game starting with getting a window to display, to adding a ship, bullets, and enemies.

Links and Notes

Cyberspace Shootem up gameplay video by Drew

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
SDL with C - Knox Game Design, December 2019

December 2019 Online Meeting Announcement

Knoxville Game Design invites you to attend the online meeting and podcast recording for Sunday December 8, 2019 at 2pm Eastern Time.

This month’s topic is SDL with C.  Before Unity and GameMaker, there was the Simple Direct Media Layer.  It can be used to create 2D and 3D games on a wide variety of platforms.  C is still one of the most widely used programming languages.  We will discuss how to get a simple game running in C using the SDL libraries.

Any questions on the topic or game development in general are welcome.  We will also have time for “show and tell” for anyone who wants to share any game projects that they have been developing.

Join us using Google Hangouts at the following URL:

Video for last month’s meeting on Scratch –

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Scratch – Knox Game Design, November 2019

This month’s topic is Scratch. Scratch is a game development environment where visual code blocks are dragged and dropped instead of writing code. It is a good tool to introduce programming concepts to people who have no coding experience.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Scratch - Knox Game Design, November 2019



November 2019 Online Meeting Announcement

Knoxville Game Design invites you to attend the online meeting and podcast recording for Sunday November 10, 2019 at 2pm Eastern Time.

This month’s topic is Scratch.  Scratch is a game development environment where visual code blocks are dragged and dropped instead of writing code.  It is a good tool to introduce programming concepts to people who have no coding experience.

Any questions on the topic or game development in general are welcome.  We will also have time for “show and tell” for anyone who wants to share any game projects that they have been developing.

Join us using Google Hangouts at the following URL:

Video for last month’s meeting on Fall ’19 game jam Showoff –

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Fall ’19 Game Jam Showoff – Knox Game Design, October 2019

We show off the four games created by East Tennessee developers for Fall ’19.  The theme was “Start with Nothing”


Dylan Wolf @DylanWolf
Levi D. Smith @GaTechGrad

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Fall '19 Game Jam Showoff - Knox Game Design, October 2019



Fall ’19 Game Jam Entries / October 2019 Meeting Announcement

Knoxville Game Design invites you to attend the online meeting and show recording for Sunday October 13, 2019 at 2pm Eastern Time.

This month we will show off and discuss the games created by East Tennessee developers for Fall ’19.  The theme was “Start with Nothing”.  Let us know if we missed your game and we will add it to the list.

Self-Made Spaceman by Dylan

Self-Made Spaceman is a typical space shooter, except you have to commandeer a ship to begin playing. From there, you’ll have to pick up powerups to gain shields or useful weapons.

Mahjong Drop by Levi

Mahjong Drop is a game where you make melds (combinations) of three tiles to score. The three tiles must be together either horizontally or vertically.

the D U S T by Jacob

The D U S T is a top down rpg lite style game where you fight through small arenas! However, when you die you must start all over again!

Ludum Lux by Joe

Ludum Lux is grid based puzzle game where each stage you start with nothing and need to light all of the tiles up. The symbols on the tiles note which surrounding tiles they effect. There are 20 different stages in the jam version, can you beat them all?

Join us using Google Hangouts at the following URL:

Video for last month’s meeting (Creating Games in Smalltalk) –

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Fall ’19 Game Jam Kickoff Meeting

We will be meeting at Panera Bread on North Peters Rd at 6pm Eastern Time on Friday October 4, 2019  for the Fall ’19 game jam kickoff.  Knoxville Game Design has been holding kickoff events for this weekend long game jam since 2013.  Numerous games have been created over the years by Knoxville developers for this event.  At the kickoff meeting, we will discuss our ideas and thoughts on the theme for the game jam.  This game jam will start and end three hours earlier at 6pm Eastern Time.  We will show off the games that we create on the monthly online podcast the following weekend (Sunday October 13, 2019 at 2pm).  We will also have Japanese games available for anyone interested in learning how to play Koi-Koi with hanafuda cards and mahjong.  For rules and more information on participating in the game jam, please see

Creating Games in Smalltalk – Knox Game Design, September 2019

This month’s topic is Creating Games in Smalltalk.  We look at how it is possible to create games in the Smalltalk language using the Squeak environment.  Smalltalk is one of the first object oriented languages, where everything is an object.

Smalltalk Example Code


Dylan Wolf @DylanWolf
Levi D. Smith @GaTechGrad

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Creating Games in Smalltalk - Knox Game Design, September 2019



September 2019 Online Meeting and Summer ’19 Game Jam Kickoff Announcement

Knoxville Game Design invites you to attend the online meeting and podcast recording for Sunday September 8, 2019 at 2pm Eastern Time.

This month’s topic is Creating Games in Smalltalk.  We will look at how it is possible to create games in the Smalltalk language using the Squeak environment.  Smalltalk is one of the first object oriented languages, where everything is an object.

We will also be meeting at Panera Bread on North Peters Rd at 6pm Eastern Time on Friday October 4, 2019  for the Summer ’19 game jam kickoff.  Knoxville Game Design has been holding kickoff events for this weekend long game jam since 2013.  Numerous games have been created over the years by Knoxville developers for this event.  At the kickoff meeting, we will discuss our ideas and thoughts on the theme for the game jam.  This game jam will start and end three hours earlier at 6pm Eastern Time.  We will show off the games that we create on the monthly online podcast the following weekend (Sunday October 13, 2019 at 2pm).  We will also have Japanese games available for anyone interested in learning how to play Koi-Koi with hanafuda cards and mahjong.  For rules and more information on participating in the game jam, please see

Any questions on the topic or game development in general are welcome.  We will also have time for “show and tell” for anyone who wants to share any game projects that they have been developing.

Join us using Google Hangouts at the following URL:

Video for last month’s meeting on Random Number Generators (RNG) –

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Random Number Generators (RNG) – Knox Game Design, August 2019

This month’s topic is Random Number Generators (RNG).  We discuss the various methods for generating random values in game development.  We provide specific examples for Unity, GameMaker, and Unreal Engine.  We also look at combinatorics for determining the likelihood of outcomes.


Dylan Wolf @DylanWolf
Levi D. Smith @GaTechGrad

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Random Number Generators (RNG) - Knox Game Design, August 2019