Raspberry Pi Arcade – Knox Game Design, November 2020

Overview of building a Raspberry Pi arcade system.  First build was a Raspberry Pi (1) Model B and the second build was a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.  Explanation of what components and tools are needed.  Installation the RetroPie operating system and configuration of Retrogame software to convert joystick movement and button presses into simulation key presses.

Links and Notes

Hosted by Levi D. Smith

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Raspberry Pi Arcade - Knox Game Design, November 2020

Fall ’20 Game Jam Recap – Knox Game Design, October 2020

A recap of the Fall ’20 game jam plus a post mortem. Also what others on the Knox Game Design Discord have been developing.

If you are interested in attending a Knox Game Design meeting either virtually or in-person, let us know!

Links and Notes

Time lapse development videos

Hosted by Levi D. Smith

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Fall '20 Game Jam Recap - Knox Game Design, October 2020

MonoGame – Knox Game Design, September 2020

An overview of creating a game with MonoGame.  Installation of MonoGame development environment using Visual Studio.  Handling input devices such as keyboard, gamepad, and mouse. How to load assets such as sound effects, music, fonts, and sprite images.  Examples of simple number guessing game and space shooter in MonoGame and C#.  How to convert an XNA game to MonoGame.

Hosted by Levi D. Smith

MonoGame source code – https://github.com/levidsmith/MonoGameExamples

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
MonoGame - Knox Game Design, September 2020

BBS Games, VT100, and ANSI Graphics – Knox Game Design August 2020

An overview of BBS (Bulletin Board System) games from the 1990s.  How to connect to a telnet BBS to play DOOR games.  Creating ANSI graphics with ACiD draw in DOSBox.  VT100 color codes explained.  A simple telnet server created in Ruby, which displays system time, counts to ten, displays an ANSI file, and has a number guessing game.

Hosted by Levi D. Smith

Ruby source code – https://github.com/levidsmith/SimpleRubyServer

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
BBS Games, VT100, and ANSI Graphics - Knox Game Design August 2020

Color – Knox Game Design, July 2020

An overview of color for game developers.  How various colors are made on the computer using RGB and HSV formats.  The color spectrum and the ROY G BIV order for colors.  Where visible color exists on the electromagnetic wavelength scale.  Color displays on CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) and LED (Light Emitting Diode) devices.  Converting between color representation in float, decimal, and hex formats.  Difference between hue, saturation, and value.  Various modifiers in the Gimp image editor such as Colorize, Posterize, Color Balance, and layers.  Console color palettes and historical video modes.  Color pickers and other tools for making color themes.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Color - Knox Game Design, July 2020



Pygame – Knox Game Design, June 2020

This month we learn how to create games in Python using the Pygame library.

1:30 – News
6:13 – Showoff: Unity Helper and new leaderboard features
11:47 – Pygame (feature presentation)


Jacob ldjam.com/users/jacobturn/games gamejolt.com/@Big_Ol_Tom
Levi D. Smith levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad gatechgrad.itch.io

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Pygame - Knox Game Design, June 2020



June 2020 Online Meeting Announcement

Knox Game Design invites you to attend the online meeting and podcast recording for Sunday June 14, 2020 at 2pm Eastern Time.

This month Levi D. Smith will talk about the basics of Pygame and Python programming.  He will also demo a simple game created with Pygame.

Important – This month we will try the new Discord video meeting.  Join the Knox Game Design Discord channel at https://discord.gg/XxEPVYx and then join the General voice channel.  If it doesn’t work out, we will revert back to Hangouts.  Video is not required to join or participate in our meeting.

Video for last month’s meeting on the Spring ’20 game jam Entries and Leaderboard Security – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYDKLYk55K0

Subscribe to the audio podcast

Chat with us on Discord – https://discord.gg/XxEPVYx

Follow Knox Game Design on social media for the latest updates:  https://twitter.com/KnoxGameDesign

Please direct any questions to levidsmith@knoxgamedesign.org

Spring ’20 Game Jam Entries and Leaderboard Security – Knox Game Design, May 2020

This month we show off our games created for Spring ’20. Levi D. Smith also talks about leaderboard security.

0:58 – News – BitBucket discontinues Mercurial, migration to GitHub
9:43 – Raising Cerberus by James
15:54 – Machina by Jacob
23:50 – Potted Plant Simulator by Dylan
46:02 – Chicken Little by Levi
52:33 – Leaderboard Security presentation


Jacob ldjam.com/users/jacobturn/games gamejolt.com/@Big_Ol_Tom
Dylan Wolf
www.dylanwolf.com @DylanWolf dylanwolf.itch.io
Levi D. Smith levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad gatechgrad.itch.io

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Spring '20 Game Jam Entries and Leaderboard Security - Knox Game Design, May 2020



May 2020 Online Meeting Announcement

Knox Game Design invites you to attend the online meeting and podcast recording for Sunday May 10, 2020 at 2pm Eastern Time.

This month we will show off our games created for the Spring ‘ 20 game jam.  Levi D. Smith will also talk about leaderboard security.

Join us using at the following URL:  https://hangouts.google.com/call/ni63jloemrd7xdto37z5mayk4uu

Video for last month’s meeting on Spring ’20 game jam Kickoff – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvOmEfi2ghk

Subscribe to the audio podcast

Chat with us on Discord – https://discord.gg/XxEPVYx

Follow Knox Game Design on social media for the latest updates:  https://twitter.com/KnoxGameDesign

Please direct any questions to levidsmith@knoxgamedesign.org