Spring ’22 Game Jam entries

The theme for the game jam was Delay the inevitable. Knox Game Design had two entries.

Cult of the Furnace by Jacob

The great Iron Throne is under siege by Barison, The Hammer of God. These being is said to be the most powerful nuclear missile every devised.  You must fend off Barison for as long as you can by sending missiles at him and his escorts.

Possum Blitz by Levi

Your possum is stranded in the middle of the road. Help him avoid the cars as long as possible.

Basic 3D Collision – Knox Game Design, March 2022

Explanation of calculating collision between basic 3D objects (rectangular solids/cubes and spheres). Methods used can be applied to any programming language or game development environment. Review of demo Ruby code to detect collision between rectangular solids and spheres.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Basic 3D Collision - Knox Game Design, March 2022

2D Collision – Knox Game Design, February 2022

Explanation of 2D collisions for points, lines, rectangles, and circles.  Overview of each collision type along with examples and code.  Explanations are general in nature so that they can be implemented in any game engine or programming language.  Demonstration of Javascript web application that calculates collisions between the four types of objects, along with review of code functionality.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
2D Collision - Knox Game Design, February 2022



Dijkstra’s Algorithm – Knox Game Design, January 2022

Explanation of Dijkstra’s algorithm for finding the shortest path in a graph based on a selected starting node. Walkthrough of an example of the algorithm. Demo of implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm in Unity and C#.

Dijkstra Demo in Unity (Unity WebGL)

Dijkstra Demo Source Code

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Dijkstra's Algorithm - Knox Game Design, January 2022



Particle Systems in Unity – Knox Game Design, December 2021

Explanation of particle systems in Unity, along with modifiers such as emission shape, bursts, color over time, custom shapes, and size over lifetime.

Demo project and code – https://github.com/levidsmith/ParticleSystemDemo

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Particle Systems in Unity - Knox Game Design, December 2021



Stencyl – Knox Game Design, November 2021

Overview of the Stencyl game development environment for making 2D games.   Explanation of scenes, actors, behaviors, events, and visual coding.  Examples of a number guessing game and simple space shooter.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Stencyl - Knox Game Design, November 2021



Fall ’21 Game Jam Entries and More – Knox Game Design, October 2021

This month, Knox developers Allen, Jared, and Levi show off their games developed for Fall ’21 and more.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Fall '21 Game Jam Entries and More - Knox Game Design, October 2021



Fall ’21 Game Jam Entries and More

Game Jam Entries

Knox Game Design had three great entries for Fall ’21.  The theme was Unstable.  Let us know if we missed your game and we will add it to the list!

John Handgonne’s wacky escapade by Jacob

Upon waking from a strange dream, John Handgonne finds himself in a strange purple dungeon made of purple bricks.

Dark Crossings by Allen

Inspired by a recent hit show, cross 10 chasms to reach the end. Be quick and cautious when crossing. There’s a draining presence in the fog, keep an eye on your battery charge and keep moving forward.

Waiter Extraordinaire by Levi

Help Chester Servesalot deliver drink glasses to all of the customers at the tables. He is an expert at balancing glasses on his serving tray, but his greatest fear is mice.

Other games released this month

Cubic Nightmare by Jared

This is a simple game. You wake up to find you and your room have been transported to an endless dungeon, and your goal is to find your way out while avoiding the Deathcubes (find your way through 12 levels to win). You can find and pick up randomly scattered books along the way for bonus points.