Reading Text Files – Knox Game Design, September 2022

Explanation of how to read text files to display objects to the screen in Unity, GameMaker, MonoGame, Godot, and SDL.

Demo project –

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Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Reading Text Files - Knox Game Design, September 2022

Fall ’22 Knox Game Jam kickoff meeting

Knox Game Design will be meeting at Panera Bread on North Peters Rd on Friday September 30, 2022 for the Knox Game Jam kickoff.  The theme announcement is at 6pm Eastern Time.

The kickoff will just be for theme discussion and brainstorming.  We will not be developing games on site, but will be happy to answer any game development questions in general.  We have typically worked on solo projects, but people are welcome to work in groups if desired.


  • The goal is to create a game in 48 hours, but use as much time as needed.
  • The theme is announced at 6pm Eastern Time.  Make a game based on that theme, or just ignore the theme and make whatever you want.
  • Extra challenge – Don’t use any pre-existing assets (graphics, sound effects, music, etc).  You create everything during the jam.
  • Submit your game to any other game jams as you like.
  • There will be no voting/judging/ranking, but everyone is encouraged to play each other’s games.  You are free to submit your game to any other game jams with voting/judging/ranking.
  • No prizes.  Your game is your prize.
  • Use any game engine or library.  Some examples are Unity, GameMaker, Unreal Engine, Godot, MonoGame, and Allegro.

Logo – Knox Game Design, August 2022

Introduction to the Logo programming language.  Useful for teaching functional programming to beginners.  Explanation of using “turtle graphics” to draw various shapes.

Demo project –

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Logo - Knox Game Design, August 2022

Curves – Knox Game Design, July 2022

Overview of four types of curves that can be used in game development.  Basic parabola for moving objects in an arc.  Sine function for moving objects in a wave motion.  Physics using velocity and acceleration for simulating actions such as jumping and falling.  Bezier curve for moving objects along a curved path.  Examples of functions for each curve type and how to calculate coordinates in a spreadsheet.  Demonstration of how to implement each curve type in Monogame with C# and review of source code.

Spreadsheet –

Demo project –

New Knox Games this Month

Flappy Brid Clone by Andy –

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Curves - Knox Game Design, July 2022

I-Frames and Stun Lock – Knox Game Design, June 2022

Overview of I-frames, invincibility, stun lock, and knock back. How these are implemented in games, statistics from examples of classic games, and demo project showing various methods for implementing invincibility time.

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Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
I-Frames and Stun Lock - Knox Game Design, June 2022

Enemy Behaviors – Knox Game Design, May 2022

This month’s Knox Game Design presentation topic is Enemy Behaviors.
This is a look at various enemy behavior types:

  • Back and forth (timer / collision based)
  • Alert and chase, using distance / timer for stop chasing
  • Move random direction and wait
  • Orbital children, with varying radius length and orbit speed
  • Behavior combination (orbital children and move)

This presentation looks at a demo project using Monogame and C# and analysis of demo code for each behavior.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Enemy Behaviors - Knox Game Design, May 2022

Spring ’22 Game Jam – Knox Game Design, April 2022

Games created by Knox area developers for Spring ’22.  Theme was “delay the inevitable”.

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Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Spring '22 Game Jam - Knox Game Design, April 2022

Spring ’22 Game Jam entries

The theme for the game jam was Delay the inevitable. Knox Game Design had two entries.

Cult of the Furnace by Jacob

The great Iron Throne is under siege by Barison, The Hammer of God. These being is said to be the most powerful nuclear missile every devised.  You must fend off Barison for as long as you can by sending missiles at him and his escorts.

Possum Blitz by Levi

Your possum is stranded in the middle of the road. Help him avoid the cars as long as possible.

Basic 3D Collision – Knox Game Design, March 2022

Explanation of calculating collision between basic 3D objects (rectangular solids/cubes and spheres). Methods used can be applied to any programming language or game development environment. Review of demo Ruby code to detect collision between rectangular solids and spheres.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Basic 3D Collision - Knox Game Design, March 2022