Resistor Retrospective – Next Meetup Sunday Sept 16, 2012

Our next meeting will be held Sunday, Sept 16th from 2-5PM at the Technology Cooperative.

The topic this month is a retrospective on the release of Resistor:

This presentation will cover the lessons learned from Levi Smith after publishing his first XBox Live Indie game.  Learn the pitfalls to avoid and how to more effectively market a game launch using press reviews and social media.  An analysis and discussion of launch sales data will provide insight into the successes and failures of the game launch.

Levi resides in the Knoxville, Tennessee area, where he develops games in his spare time.  He holds a B.S. in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology and an M.S. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Tennessee.

We will also try out a small change to our meeting format.  This month we will begin with a “Show and Tell” where everyone can show a bit of their in progress game, favorite tool, mechanic they love in another game, or anything they find helpful and want to share with the group.  Its not required to bring something to Show and Tell, but it’s a great way to share with the group!

Last bit of news, EvilQuest is on Greenlight!  Greenlight is Valve’s new community site for helping indie games release on steam.  If a game gets enough fan support it will be considered for release.  Here’s wishing best of luck to one of Knoxville’s own game studios Chaosoft!

What is Fun? Next Meetup Sunday July 15, 2012

For our next meeting the topic will be “What is Fun” presented by Michael C. Neel.  We will be back to normal this month and have an open discussion / lab time after the presentation.

Related news: Michael will also be giving a talk this Friday on Fundraising with Kickstarter.  The talk is not specific to video game Kickstarters, but Michael has been spending month watching video game projects on Kickstarter and will have some advice if there is interest.  If you are planning on attending, please RSVP here.

Sunday at the Technology Cooperative will be a Game Programming with Python session.  This is a introductory level group, no prior programing experience required.  The group will focus on basics and lead to running the games on a Raspberry PI.  Open to all, but if you know someone (of any age) that has been looking at getting started writing games this is the group for them.

What is Fun?

As game designers we spend a great deal of effort laying out levels, creating a consistent art style, and telling a story.  As game developers we focus on smooth gameplay, intuitive controls, and building tools.  We rely on play testing to tell us if the game is fun or not.  While play testing is essential, wouldn’t it be easier if we could design and develop fun?

Before we can create fun, we must understand what fun is.  What are the emotions experienced when the player has fun?  Why is something frustrating to one person fun to someone else?  Most importantly, can we as game designers and developers create fun on command?

This talk will look into the reasons we play games, and how we experience fun.  We will break down the components to fun and see how to use them in our game designs.  Finally, we will look at how players express fun, common complaints in games, and ways to address them.

Knoxville Takes DBP By Storm! / Next Meeting Sunday, June 24 Details

Members of Knox Game Design entered not one, not two, but three games in Microsoft’s Dream Build Play 2012 game competition!  Here are the entries:

EvilQuest 2 by Chaosoft Games

In a world on the brink of annihilation, a mighty warlord has appeared and seems hell-bent on delivering the planet a final crushing blow. But, in the small village of Aurora, a glimmer of hope appears in the night sky. A mysterious stranger has fallen from the heavens, fulfilling one of the planet’s most ancient legends. Is this man the people’s savior, as the legend claims, or something else entirely? In EvilQuest 2, play as a mysterious hero on a quest to discover the truth about both himself and the world that he has been thrust into.

Resistor by Levi D Smith:

The objective of Resistor is to build connections to carry electrical flow to activate LEDs (light emitting diodes). To avoid damaging these components, the flow level must be reduced using resistors. Each level is graded upon number of pieces used, the luminosity of the LEDs, and the time required to complete the level. This game teaches the basics of resistor color code values to help educate youngsters who are interested in learning about electronics.

Captain Dubstep by FuncWorks, LLC:

Captain Dubstep is sent in to fight the forces of METAL who have been terrorizing the peace loving people of Electronica. Approaching the METAL moon base, her ship is hit and her weapons scattered across the base. The Captain must find her equipment, then shut down the moon base once and for all!

Next Meetup – Sunday, June 24th 2-5PM

Our next meeting will be held Sunday, June 24th from 2-5PM at the Technology Cooperative.

Since CodeStock just happened, I haven’t had time to plan out much for this meeting, so the plan is to round table discuss submitting the games above to Dream Build Play with the creators present, and follow that with a screening of Indie Game: The Movie.

See you there!

Intro to Unreal Development Kit Recap

Josh gave an excellent introduction to using UDK.  Links to the software used:

Next month’s meeting falls on Father’s day so we decided to push it back a week.  The next meeting will be on Sunday June 24th, 2012.  Topic is still open, though we discussed Josh giving an intro to 3D Studio Max.  If you have a topic you would like to present, please contact me and we’ll get it setup.

Intro to Unreal Development Kit (UDK) – Sunday, May 20th @ 2PM

Our next meeting will be Sunday May 20th at 2PM at the Technology Cooperative.

The topic will be an intro to UDK by Josh Ferguson:

“Intro to Unreal Development Kit (UDK) by Josh Ferguson, local game developer and game design instructor.  Overview of industry-leading game development software UDK covering topics including a look at the toolset, basic level design, implementing custom assets, and an intro to UnrealScript.”

Information, licencing, and download details on UDK can be found at

KGD First Meeting – Sunday Apr 15th @ 2PM

Hello Novice and Veteran Game Designers in or near Knoxville, TN!

The site is sparse right now, but the date and location of the first meeting is set: Sunday April 15th at 2PM at the Technology Cooperative.

We also have a mailing list setup – just visit the site and sign up with the box on the right.  We will us this list for announcements and meeting reminders.

See you at the next meeting!