June 2017 Online Meeting Announcement

Hello Knoxville Game Designers!

Knoxville Game Design invites you to attend the online hangout for Sunday June 11, 2017 at 2pm Eastern Time.

This month, Dylan (www.dylanwolf.com) will be presenting RPG Maker:

Learn how to customize your RPG Maker VX Ace game using Ruby scripting. This presentation will cover RPG Maker’s (not always well-documented) scripting feature, assuming some basic knowledge of RPG Maker itself.

We’ll talk about what scripting can do, when it should be used instead of Events and other features, and some general strategies for skimming through and diving into the default project’s large code base.

We will be using Google Hangouts again, which can be accessed at the following URL:  https://hangouts.google.com/call/vhh46lj3tncbvinkrztkhw5mfme
Be sure your microphone or webcam is working prior to the meeting.

Other discussion topics:

  • Show and tell
  • Momocon experience
  • Steam Direct
  • XBL Creators Program
  • Upcoming game jams


Spring ’17 Game Jam Entries – Knox Game Design, May 2017

Discussion of games currently being developed by game developers in the Knoxville and East Tennessee area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

Host Web Twitter Itch.io
Dylan Wolf http://dylanwolf.com @DylanWolf https://dylanwolf.itch.io
Ruth Ann Manning https://tranzeve.itch.io
Levi D. Smith http://levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad https://gatechgrad.itch.io
Joe Miller http://doublesquarellc.com @DoubleSquareJoe https://doublesquare.itch.io

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Spring '17 Game Jam Entries - Knox Game Design, May 2017

Spring ’17 Game Jam Entries and May Meeting Announcement

There were three great entries from Knoxville Game Design for Spring ’17.  The theme for this competition was “A Small World”.  The entries by our group are listed below in no specific order.  Let us know if we missed your game!

Tiny Planet Dash by Dylan

Caught next to a star about to go supernova, low on fuel…

Outrun the supernova, stopping at small planets along the way to collect fuel.

Hopperbot by Joe

Long ago the race of Hoppers populated the galaxy. Now all thats left is a few Hopperbots still trying to complete thier exploration of the planets they are left behind on. Can you help the Hopperbots complete their mission of collecting data on their small worlds?

World Fighter by Levi

Classic beat ‘em up action. You must guide the planet and defeat the evil planets to save the universe!

Time Lapse Videos


Gameplay Video

May 2017 Meeting Announcement

We will meet online using Google Hangouts on Sunday May 14, 2017 at 2pm Eastern Time.  No agenda this month.  We will be showing off our Spring ’17 game jam games and other games that we have been developing.

Hangout link – https://hangouts.google.com/call/vhh46lj3tncbvinkrztkhw5mfme

Be sure your mic is working prior to the meeting.  Also, please mute your mic when not speaking, especially if you are in a place with a lot of background noise.  There is a little mic icon in the Hangout window that will allow you to mute yourself.

We are still exploring other options for holding our online meetings.  We may move to Skype or some other service, but Hangouts is nice since it doesn’t require invitations to be sent.  Any other suggestions are welcome!

GameMaker game jam, Spring ’17 Game Jam Kickoff, and Momocon

Members of Knoxville Game Design created entries for the GM48 22nd game jam. The theme was “Descend”.  The games had to be completely created in 48 hours using GameMaker.

Drone Delver by Joe

Welcome to Drone Delver! The cave exploration drones have gone haywire, and we need your help! They’re only responding to switching positions, but they are able to send signals that effect each other. See if you can figure out how to get to the bottom!

Miner Madness by Levi

Help the miner escape the caves by avoiding the deadly bats and collecting gems!

Time Lapse videos


Spring ’17 Game Jam Kickoff

Some of us will be getting together at Panera Bread on North Peters Rd. at 7pm Eastern Time on Friday April 21, 2017 for a game jam Kickoff.  We are planning to show off our games at the May 2017 online meeting.

Upcoming Events

Members of Knoxville Game Design will be at Momocon in Atlanta, Georgia May 25-28, 2017.

Dylan will have a session on Game Dev for Fun (and not profit) .

Joe will have his own booth at the Indie Game area on the convention floor.

PAX East Report – Knox Game Design, April 2017

Discussion of games currently being developed by game developers in the Knoxville area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

Host Web Twitter Itch.io
Levi D. Smith http://levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad https://gatechgrad.itch.io
Joe Miller http://doublesquarellc.com @DoubleSquareJoe https://doublesquare.itch.io
Dylan Wolf http://dylanwolf.com @DylanWolf https://dylanwolf.itch.io
Ruth Ann Manning https://tranzeve.itch.io

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
PAX East Report - Knox Game Design, April 2017

April 2017 Online Hangout Announcement

Hello Knoxville Game Designers!

This is Levi D. Smith inviting you to attend the online hangout for April 9, 2017 at 2pm Eastern Time.  We will be using Google Hangouts again, which can be accessed at the following URL:  https://hangouts.google.com/call/vhh46lj3tncbvinkrztkhw5mfme
Be sure your microphone or webcam is working prior to the meeting.

April 2017 Meeting Agenda – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RUmSr7_38_18pOojAmp5Pk0GO8OKbceRkxwrWEhWbLeXNg8gbdjA_5gONWL5o8gHDEFHd301nJhzWW4r

Video for last month’s online hangout is now available:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMvZcFUcr-4

The audio version is also available as a podcast on iTunes:   https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/game-design-chat/id1084873107

Please direct any questions to levidsmith@knoxgamedesign.org.

Structured Data Tool – Knox Game Design, March 2017

Discussion of games currently being developed by game developers in the Knoxville area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

Host Web Twitter Itch.io
Levi D. Smith http://levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad https://gatechgrad.itch.io
Dylan Wolf http://dylanwolf.com @DylanWolf https://dylanwolf.itch.io
Nich Mebane http://nichmebane.com @Sweet_Niche https://sweet-niche.itch.io

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Structured Data Tool - Knox Game Design, March 2017

March 2017 Online Hangout Announcement

Hello Knoxville Game Designers!

This is Levi D. Smith inviting you to attend the online hangout for March 12, 2017 at 2pm Eastern Time.  We will be using Google Hangouts again, which can be accessed at the following URL:  https://hangouts.google.com/call/vhh46lj3tncbvinkrztkhw5mfme
Be sure your microphone or webcam is working prior to the meeting.

The agenda for the meeting is now available. I will be talking about adding Video Game metadata to your website, so that your game is indexed appropriately by search engines.

Just a reminder, Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday March 12, 2017, so please remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour prior to the meeting.

Be aware that we are no longer using Meetup for Knoxville Game Design events.  Please use https://www.knoxgamedesign.org/upcoming-events/ to keep track of the latest club events.

Video for last month’s online hangout is now available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osLAoHaxLKs
The audio version is also available as a podcast on iTunes:   https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/game-design-chat/id1084873107

Direct any questions to me at levidsmith@knoxgamedesign.org.

Blender Cell Fracture, 6502 Assembly – Knox Game Design, February 2017

The video for the February 2017 online hangout is now available on YouTube.

There were audio recording issues for this hangout, but the level was fixed with Audacity’s features.  However, some echo still remains with part of the audio.

Links and Notes
Khufu’s Delivery Service on iOS – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/khufus-delivery-service/id1200188868?ls=1&mt=8
Khufu’s Delivery Service on Greenlight – http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=821814030
Frog model on Sketchfab – https://sketchfab.com/models/a1f3de599bb447efa31de73d8536268f
Prez NES – http://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=15507
PAX East – http://east.paxsite.com/
GDC – http://www.gdconf.com/
GDC State of Game Industry 2017 – http://reg.techweb.com/GDCSF17-StateOfGame
Theme music – Ride by Pocketmaster

Host Info:
Levi D. Smith – Web – http://levidsmith.com Twitter – @GaTechGrad
Joe Miller – Web – http://doublesquarellc.com/ Twitter – @DoublesquareJoe

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Blender Cell Fracture, 6502 Assembly - Knox Game Design, February 2017

February 2017 Online Hangout

This is a reminder that there will not be an in-person meeting for February or March 2017.  We will be attempting to conduct the next two meetings online with Google Hangouts.  We will plan to meet again at the Technology Cooperative in April 2017 to coincide with the game jam.  Be sure to check knoxgamedesign.org for the latest details.

Topics for the online Hangout on Sunday (February 12, 2017 at 2pm Eastern Time) are included in the meeting agenda.  There are two options for joining us.  Using Google Hangout will allow you to participate with a web camera or microphone.  Please verify that your web camera or microphone is working before the meeting.  There is also a view only option with YouTube, which also provides a chat room for leaving comments during the group meeting.

Thanks for everyone’s patience while we transition to this new format.  Please direct any questions to levidsmith@knoxgamedesign.org