Version Control Software and Repositories – Knox Game Design, January 2018

Discussion of games currently being created by game developers in the Knoxville and East Tennessee area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

This month we talk about the various tools used for version control and sites which host source code repositories.  We also have a demonstration of scripting uploads with Butler, and we look at games created by Jake and Jacob during show and tell.

Host Web Twitter Games
Levi D. Smith @GaTechGrad
Dylan Wolf @DylanWolf
Jake Gillenwater

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Version Control Software and Repositories - Knox Game Design, January 2018

January 2018 Online Meeting Announcement

Knoxville Game Design invites you to attend the online hangout for Sunday January 14, 2018 at 2pm Eastern Time.

This month’s topics:

  • Viewer mail
  • Show and tell
  • Visit to Run Jump Dev in Lexington, Kentucky
  • Source code repositories and tools
  • Any other topics are welcome

We will be using Google Hangouts again, which can be accessed at the following URL:

Video for last month’s online meeting –

Audio podcast

Follow the Knoxville Game Design Twitter account for the latest updates:

Please direct any questions to

Winter ’17 Game Jam Entries – Knox Game Design, December 2017

Discussion of games currently being created by game developers in the Knoxville and East Tennessee area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

We talk about the games that were developed by Knoxville Game Design for Winter ’17.

Host Web Twitter
Dylan Wolf @DylanWolf
Levi D. Smith @GaTechGrad

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Winter '17 Game Jam Entries - Knox Game Design, December 2017

Winter ’17 Game Jam Entries

Knoxville Game Design had four great entries for Winter ’17!  The theme for this game jam was “The more you have, the worse it is”.

WizCorp by Dylan

WizCorp is an “idle clicker” game where you are producing and converting resources to score points, which can then be spent on upgrades.
If you let resources build up past a certain point, however, your “auto-clickers” will process less often. Note that upgrades later in the chain are less efficient than upgrades earlier in the chain.

BOOM! by Jacob

BOOM! is a first person shooter about an average Tuesday night for the lower middle class life of a soul collector.
Your goal is to find the Devourer of Souls and defeat him for the 10000th time.

Irwin McSpenders by Levi

Irwin McSpenders is on a quest to become the greatest tax accountant in the world. Help him gather as much money as possible. Unfortunately, the more money you have, the worse the taxes are on him, as he will be placed in higher tax brackets as his income rises.

Space Badies by Dennis

More Badies means more problems. Make your way through the Badies and get all the points.

Time Lapse videos

December 2017 Online Meeting Announcement

Knoxville Game Design invites you to attend the online hangout for Sunday December 10, 2017 at 2pm Eastern Time.

This month’s topics:

  • Game jam Showoff
  • Any other topics welcome

We will be using Google Hangouts again, which can be accessed at the following URL:

Video for last month’s online meeting –

Audio podcast

Follow the Knoxville Game Design Twitter account for the latest updates:

Please direct any questions to

Winter ’17 Game Jam Kickoff

Come join members of Knoxville Game Design for the Winter ’17 game jam kickoff meeting.  We will be meeting at Panera Bread on North Peters Rd at 7pm Eastern Time on Friday December 1, 2017 prior to the game jam theme announcement.

Meeting location information

Yelp –

Address – 205 N Peters Rd Knoxville, TN 37923

Please contact with any questions.

Pyxel Edit, Affinity Designer, and Make Human – Knox Game Design, November 2017

Discussion of games currently being created by game developers in the Knoxville and East Tennessee area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

This month we show off games developed in Knoxville for GM48. We also talk about Pyxel Edit, Affinity Designer, and MakeHuman.

Host Web Twitter
Amos Garner @agamerstudios
Levi D. Smith @GaTechGrad

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Pyxel Edit, Affinity Designer, and Make Human - Knox Game Design, November 2017

November 2017 Online Meeting Announcement

Knoxville Game Design invites you to attend the online hangout for Sunday November 12, 2017 at 2pm Eastern Time.

This month’s topics:

  • News
  • GM48 Game Showoff
  • Zero Hour Game Jam
  • Winter ’17 game jam
  • Any other topics welcome

We will be using Google Hangouts again, which can be accessed at the following URL:

Video for last month’s online meeting –

Audio podcast

Follow the Knoxville Game Design Twitter account for the latest updates:

Please direct any questions to

GM48 (24th) Entries

Members of Knoxville Game Design submitted two games for the GM48 game development competition.  Games were created in 48 hours using GameMaker.

Wait for It by Joe

Wait For It is a timing puzzle game with 20 stages to complete. Learn the pattern of the movement and take your best shot! Try to complete all the stages!

UltraShot by Levi

Use the UltraShot cannon to blast the ball to the goal container. Other cannons will assist in directing the ball along the way. Avoid hitting the wall or blocks in the ball’s path.

Time Lapse videos


Farewell XBLIG – Knox Game Design, October 2017

Discussion of games currently being created by game developers in the Knoxville and East Tennessee area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

This month we talk about the closing of XBLIG as well as having a demo of Unity’s cloth component using a custom shader.

Host Web Twitter
Levi D. Smith @GaTechGrad
Dylan Wolf  @DylanWolf

Links and Notes

Here is the corrected code for the flag custom shader, which was missing the “alpha” keyword on line 16. (click to enlarge)

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Farewell XBLIG - Knox Game Design, October 2017