Unreal Engine Tips – Knox Game Design, July 2018

This month’s topic is Unreal Engine. This discussion is for those who are already familiar with game development, but new to making games with Unreal Engine. Levi D. Smith covers the things that he “wish he had known” before starting with the Unreal Editor.

Knoxville Game Design is a discussion of games currently being created by game developers in the Knoxville and East Tennessee area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

Host Web Handle Games
Dylan Wolf
https://www.dylanwolf.com/ @DylanWolf https://dylanwolf.itch.io
Levi D. Smith https://levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad https://gatechgrad.itch.io

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Unreal Engine Tips - Knox Game Design, July 2018

Unity UI Text – Knox Game Design, June 2018

This month Dylan Wolf tells us about the built-in options for Unity UI text, including TextMeshPro’s support for sprite fonts and icons.

Knoxville Game Design is a discussion of games currently being created by game developers in the Knoxville and East Tennessee area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

Host Web Social Games
Dylan Wolf
https://www.dylanwolf.com/ @DylanWolf https://dylanwolf.itch.io
Joe Miller
http://doublesquarellc.com/ @DoubleSquareJoe https://doublesquare.itch.io/
Levi D. Smith https://levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad https://gatechgrad.itch.io
Zachary Johnson

Links and Notes

Unity UI Text presentation as a downloadable ZIP file – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PjeguR7WMcamFavbK-JLyqLT1DTpWs_M/view

Unity UI Text blog post on Dylan’s site – https://www.dylanwolf.com/2018/05/04/four-ways-to-handle-ui-text-in-unity/

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Unity UI Text - Knox Game Design, June 2018

June 2018 Announcement – Unity UI Text

Knoxville Game Design invites you to attend the online meeting and show recording for Sunday June 10, 2018 at 2pm Eastern Time.

This month, Dylan Wolf will be leading a discussion on Unity UI Text: Four Built-In Options.

This talk will cover the built-in options for Unity UI text, including TextMeshPro’s support for sprite fonts and icons.

Any questions on the topic or game development in general are welcome.  We will also have time for “show and tell” for anyone who wants to share any game projects that they have been developing.

Join us using Google Hangouts at the following URL:  https://hangouts.google.com/call/ni63jloemrd7xdto37z5mayk4uu

Video for last month’s show – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzI1jl6uMlM

Subscribe to the audio podcast

Follow the Knoxville Game Design Twitter account for the latest updates:  https://twitter.com/KnoxGameDesign

Please direct any questions to levidsmith@knoxgamedesign.org

Spring ’18 Game Jam Showoff – Knox Game Design, May 2018

Jacob and Levi show off the games created by Knoxville developers for Spring ’18.

Knoxville Game Design is a discussion of games currently being created by game developers in the Knoxville and East Tennessee area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

Host Web Social Games
Jacob https://ldjam.com/users/jacobturn/games
Levi D. Smith http://levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad https://gatechgrad.itch.io

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Spring '18 Game Jam Showoff – Knox Game Design, May 2018

Spring ’18 Game Jam Entries

Thanks to everyone who showed up for the Spring ’18 kickoff!  Knoxville Game Design had three great entries for the game jam!  The theme for this game jam was “Combine 2 Incompatible Genres”.

Card Person Shooter by Jacob

After cheating in a game of poker, you must go through the red underworld of the Cardlands, fight your way out with the very cards that got you here. Use WASD to move and left click to attack.

Cardramino by Joe

Drag the cards to the board to use them to manipulate the pieces as they come down. There are left, right, and rotation cards. The cards will highlight green if they are acceptable to play, and red if they are not.

You can also choose to sacrifice a card to freeze the piece for a limited time (3 seconds). The card slot that is discarded will be out of play for awhile. It can be helpful to get the freeze time, but hurtful because you will less cards for that time. The longer the game goes, the more penalty time the discard takes to freeze the falling piece.

Blocks of Nibiru by Levi

Blocks from from Nibiru are falling into our dimension. The blocks arrive in shapes of four and stack on top of other blocks. Save the world from destruction by destroying the blocks before they reach the top of the dimensional plane. Destroying blocks will periodically award bonuses for your ship. Be careful to watch the heat meter above each ship, as overheating will require your cannons an extended period of time to cool off before you can shoot again.

In other words, the game is a cross between the space shoot-em-up genre and falling block puzzle game genre. The gameplay is inspired by games like Gyruss and Tetris.

Time Lapse Development Videos


Spring ’18 Game Jam Kickoff

Come join members of Knoxville Game Design for the Spring ’18 game jam kickoff meeting.  We will be meeting at Token Game Tavern (213 N Seven Oaks Dr Knoxville, Tennessee 37922) at 7pm Eastern Time on Friday April 20, 2018 prior to the game jam theme announcement.

Meeting location information – https://www.facebook.com/tokengametavern/

Google Calendar Event

Please contact levidsmith@knoxgamedesign.org with any questions.

Human Computer Interaction – Knox Game Design, April 2018

An overview of Human Computer Interaction topics and how those concepts can be applied to games.  Topics include short term memory, long term memory, reaction times, input methods, and feedback methods.  Comparison of human languages and computer langues, along with lexical scanning and grammars.

Knoxville Game Design is a discussion of games currently being created by game developers in the Knoxville and East Tennessee area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

Host Web Social Games
Levi D. Smith http://levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad https://gatechgrad.itch.io
Dylan Wolf
http://www.dylanwolf.com/ @DylanWolf https://dylanwolf.itch.io

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Human Computer Interaction - Knox Game Design, April 2018

Saving and Loading Game Data in Unity – Knox Game Design, March 2018

Dylan Wolf (www.dylanwolf.com) presents “Saving and Loading Game Data in Unity”

This month we discuss two cross-platform methods for saving and loading game data (such as preferences, high scores, progress, etc.) in Unity.

Knoxville Game Design is a discussion of games currently being created by game developers in the Knoxville and East Tennessee area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

Host Web Social Games
Dylan Wolf
http://www.dylanwolf.com/ @DylanWolf https://dylanwolf.itch.io
Levi D. Smith http://levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad https://gatechgrad.itch.io
Jacob http://ldjam.com/users/jacobturn/games

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Saving and Loading Game Data in Unity - Knox Game Design, March 2018

March 2018 Online Show Announcement

Knoxville Game Design invites you to attend the online show recording for Sunday March 11, 2018 at 2pm Eastern Time.

Dylan Wolf (www.dylanwolf.com) will be presenting “Saving and Loading Game Data in Unity”

This month we discuss two cross-platform methods for saving and loading game data (such as preferences, high scores, progress, etc.) in Unity.


As usual, we will also have time for show and tell for anyone who wants to talk about their game projects.

Join us using Google Hangouts at the following URL:  https://hangouts.google.com/call/ni63jloemrd7xdto37z5mayk4uu

Video for last month’s online meeting – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Vx_S-y1M4c

Subscribe to the audio podcast

Follow the Knoxville Game Design Twitter account for the latest updates:  https://twitter.com/KnoxGameDesign

Please direct any questions to levidsmith@knoxgamedesign.org

Two Year Recap Spectacular – Knox Game Design, February 2018

This month we have show and tell from Jacob and Joe.  For the two year anniversary of the podcast, we recap the history of Knoxville Game Design.

Discussion of games currently being created by game developers in the Knoxville and East Tennessee area, as well as an analysis of current topics in the gaming industry.

Host Web Social Handle Games
Jacob http://ldjam.com/users/jacobturn/games
Joe Miller http://doublesquarellc.com/ @DoubleSquareJoe https://doublesquare.itch.io/
Levi D. Smith http://levidsmith.com @GaTechGrad https://gatechgrad.itch.io

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Two Year Recap Spectacular - Knox Game Design, February 2018