Explanation of Dijkstra’s algorithm for finding the shortest path in a graph based on a selected starting node. Walkthrough of an example of the algorithm. Demo of implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm in Unity and C#.
Dijkstra Demo in Unity (Unity WebGL)
Links and Notes
- Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm – https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/dijkstras-shortest-path-algorithm-greedy-algo-7/
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm: The Shortest Path Algorithm – https://www.analyticssteps.com/blogs/dijkstras-algorithm-shortest-path-algorithm
- Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm – https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/dijkstras-shortest-path-algorithm-visual-introduction/
- Podcast theme music – Ride by Pocketmaster
