NFTs – Knox Game Design, September 2024

Overview of how to use NFTs (non fungible tokens) in games, including how to mint tokens, specify trait values, and using OpenSea API to read NFT data into a game. Demo of Unity RPG game using NFTs for equippable weapons.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
NFTs - Knox Game Design, September 2024

Blockchain for Game Development – Knox Game Design, August 2024

Proof of concept demonstration on how to implement a blockchain to track game currency and purchase of game items.  In this demonstration, the blockchain is created in PHP on a Fedora Linux virtual machine running in Virtual Box.  The block chain is pulled into Unity through C# networking code.  Regular expressions are used to parse the blockchain to return the user’s game currency and items purchased.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Blockchain for Game Development - Knox Game Design, August 2024



Exploring NES Memory – Knox Game Design, July 2024

Demonstration of how to use the FECUX emulator memory tools to determine the memory location of in-game variables, such as number of coins. How to set a breakpoint with the Hex Editor to find the 6502 assembly code that is executed when a memory location is changed. Analysis of assembly code for awarding an extra life when 100 coins are collected. Verification of OpCodes used. RAM Search for alternate searching of NES memory for specified values.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Exploring NES Memory - Knox Game Design, July 2024

Jumping – Knox Game Design, June 2024

Comparison of jumping statistics from various characters in classic platformer games. Analysis of states in jump cycles. Demo of implementation of jump for a 2D platformer game.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Jumping - Knox Game Design, June 2024



Flood Fill Recursion – Knox Game Design, May 2024

Overview of recursion and an explanation of a simple flood fill algorithm. Example demo in MonoGame with C# code.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Flood Fill Recursion - Knox Game Design, May 2024



Knox Game Jam 2024 Recap – Knox Game Design, April 2024

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Knox Game Jam 2024 kickoff!  Seven great games were created by the group for the game jam.  Great job everyone!

Minu by Dustin

Minu by Dustin

Claws and Conundrums by James and PandaPuffsForBreakfast

You are somewhat of a know-it-all. Your good friend has reached out for help in a murder case. It is up to you to figure out what summoned creature has killed someone in your village.

Soviet Necromancy by Jacob

You play as a state-sanctioned summoner that summons forth fallen comrades who perished in defending the new-motherland. A colony of Rogue War-Automatons has taken refuge in an ancient service tunnel in the new-motherland’s bowels. Destroy them all.

Save the Mothership by Mike

The Mothership is outnumbered and has taken refuge in an asteroid field.  There are only 5 defense drones left.  Can you stop the enemy drones from destroying it before our fleet arrives to chase off the attackers?

Grayson Alpha by Ethan

Untitled Robot Card Game by Colin and Dogwood

Pick a bot and try to win until the game breaks!

Worker Bees by Levi

Enemy bugs are attacking the bee hive. Spawn worker bees to attack the enemies and protect the hive. Worker bees will orbit around the hive at a constant distance. The bee meter in the upper right corner shows the amount of time remaining until another bee can be spawned. How long will your bee hive last?

Other games recently released by Knox area developers

Impact Zone by Chad

A warp-gate malfunction has landed you smack-dab in the middle of an asteroid field… and a time-space anomaly has you stuck there! Equipped with blasters, a tractor-beam and an energy shield, how long can you survive the Impact Zone?

A Weekend at Camp Oostanaula by Dylan

A 90’s scout camp TTRPG horror setting

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Knox Game Jam 2024 Recap - Knox Game Design, April 2024



UML with Dia – Knox Game Design, March 2024

Overview of using the Dia tool for creating UML diagrams. UML is a standard for creating various types of diagrams, such as class diagrams, state diagrams, and use case diagrams.

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
UML with Dia - Knox Game Design, March 2024



Texture Mapping – Knox Game Design, February 2024

Explanation of how to create a texture mapped box by reading a BMP image file and displaying with OpenGL.  Then how to create that same texture mapped the box in Blender to export into FBX format.  The model is then imported and displayed multiple different game development environments, such as Unity, MonoGame, Godot, and Unreal Engine.

Texture mapping code examples  –

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
Texture Mapping - Knox Game Design, February 2024



OpenGL – Knox Game Design, January 2024

Introduction to OpenGL and how to setup development environment using MSYS2. Code examples in C for displaying polygons, keyboard input with GLUT, and a simple game demo.

OpenGL code examples in C –

Links and Notes

Knox Game Design
Knox Game Design
OpenGL - Knox Game Design, January 2024

